Tim Renjilian is a Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, Inc. where he focuses on providing consulting services to the health care and life sciences industry. He and his wife Leslie first came to Chautauqua in 2000 with their three daughters, Sadie, Ginny, and Bess, and the entire family has been very active at Chautauqua ever since. In addition to being involved with the AAHH project since its inception, Tim also served for eight years on the Board of Trustees of the Chautauqua Institution where he held the positions of Vice-Chair, Chair of the Program Policy Committee, and Chair of the Audit Committee. He is currently the Chair of the Chautauqua Foundation; his wife Leslie is President of the Chautauqua Bird, Tree & Garden Club; and, together, he and Leslie served as co-chairs of the Chautauqua Fund. In his hometown of Atlanta, he is active in the Fulton County Remembrance Coalition, which has partnered with the Equal Justice Initiative to engage the community in a process of reconciliation with Fulton County’s history of racial terrorism. Also in Atlanta, he is on the board of the ATL Collective, which enriches Atlanta's music community by connecting artists to professional development, financial support, and exposure to audiences. On a global level, Tim serves on the board of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, a nonprofit private operating foundation that researches and recommends creative approaches to using land as a solution to economic, social, and environmental challenges.