African American Heritage House
There are three ways AAHH fulfills its mission. It (1) provides a forum for engaging issues of justice, peace, and faith, (2) establishes a platform for building relationships and community, and (3) serves as a refuge for spiritual, intellectual, and personal renewal.
The AAHH hosts conversations, lecture series, and film festivals, as well as creates training and experimental learning opportunities to provide participants with the will and skill to use their sphere of influence to promote peace and advocate for justice.
The AAHH sponsors social events with themes that will aid in cross- cultural learning and serve as a venue to catalyze collaboration on issues that are important to and extend beyond the Chautauqua community.
The AAHH creates space and provide outlets through which individuals may be renewed in mind, body, and spirit.
Everyone who is seeking an experience that will provide resources and catalyze connections to strengthen their capacity in the work of service toward peace and social justice.
Here you will…
Have ready access to an affinity group in which you can share, learn, and find support.
Network and build relationships with other leaders who share common interests in the work of peace and social justice.
Take the opportunity to focus on your own growth and development.
Gain knowledge, tools, and ideas that are useful in your work, and be exposed to the greater Chautauqua community, which includes:
Worldwide experts on compelling issues of domestic and global concern
Passionate, caring, smart, and innovative citizens from across the country and around the world
Place : Chautauqua Institution
750 acre campus on Chautauqua Lake in Southwestern New York State
World class arts venue featuring dance, theater, music
Recreation facilities both indoor and outdoor
An Invitation
The AAHH will provide participants with a holistic experience that satisfies and stimulates intellectual curiosity, catalyzes new relationships, and makes way for personal renewal – all of which add value to vocational, civic, community, and personal leadership endeavors.
AAHH will enrich the Chautauqua experience by adding new dimensions to its already rich programmatic offerings and by expanding Chautauqua’s demographic diversity that reflects changes and trends in the United States and the global community.
It is imperative that the AAHH enlists and receives the broad support of African-American leaders, other community leaders, and members of the larger Chautauqua community who will invest in Chautauqua’s future.