Our Vision
AAHH will contribute to a more vibrant Chautauqua community and enrich the Chautauqua (CHQ) community through the inclusion of African American history, culture, and the contributions of African Americans intellectuals. AAHH values the unique and special environment at CHQ, and believes CHQ must “keep up with the times” on diversity. As demographics shift in the US, and the country becomes increasingly diverse, we believe CHQ must evolve.
AAHH wants Chautauqua to become an environment where “We (African Americans) can come and not feel like a novelty.” We believe the community can and should become more welcoming for African Americans. We want a place for important conversations for African Americans and among African Americans, especially.
Our Mission
The African American Heritage House will contribute to make Chautauqua a more vibrant community, to help African Americans feel more welcome at CHQ and to facilitate conversations with African Americans to help create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment.
AAHH carries out its mission in the following ways:
Education: provides forums for engaging issues of justice, peace and faith by hosting conversations, lecture series and film festivals, as well as creating training and experiential learning opportunities to provide participants with the will and skill to use their sphere of influence to promote peace and advocate for justice,
Community Building: establishes a platform for building relationships by creating space for intentional learning and coexisting together, and
Personal Growth: serves as a refuge for personal renewal by promoting reflection, retreat and physical recreation.
Our Values
The ideals of justice and equity — we seek to be, both in organizational culture and our work in the world, led by fairness in the negotiation of power
respect of differences — we maintain that different does not mean deficient and accept the multiple identities (race, gender, class, sexuality, ability, religious, etc.) we all hold
mutuality in relationships — we seek to enable the gifts, passion and interests of all involved in our work, and make space for all voices to be heard
the free exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences — we are committed to discovering the lessons of our shared history and continuing to learn together as a means to personal growth
ecumenism and interfaith cooperation — we welcome the ways multiple faith and belief systems can serve as repositories of practical wisdom for our work
creativity — we welcome and celebrate a variety of expressive forms including artistic, spiritual, intellectual and institutional traditions and innovations
transparency and authenticity — we seek to be clear and forthright in the goals and objectives of our work, and in the process of fulfilling our mission